Question about Gazilli
Posted 2012-February-07, 19:41
1S - 1NT
2C* - 2D**
* - 11-15nat or 16+any
** - 8+, relay
One is that 2S is now weak and strong hands has 2H and higher bid at their disposal.
2nd idea is that 2H is weak and strong hands start with 2S.
With the 1st one it's easy to pack all the shapes including 5-5's and I am familiar with such scheme from Bocchi-Duboin system.
2nd scheme has advantage of being able to pass 2H with hearts but packing up shapes is difficult.
I pulled all vugraph hands bid by Lauria-Versace in the sequence but I still can't see how they handle 5-5 hands in 16-17 range (or 5-5 majors in 16-21 range). They have ways to bid every 5-4-3-1 and every 5-4-2-2 in either 16-18 or 19-21 ranges but there just isn't enough space for 5-5's.
For example:
1S - 1N
2C - 2D
3C = 5-4 majors, 16-18
3D = relay
and now they show 5-4-3-1/5-4-1-3/5-4-2-2
but going above 3nt with 5-5 might not be the best idea. Maybe responder doesn't bid his relay if he doesn't want to hear 4level response ? Maybe there is other solution ? Could anyone help with it ?
I can provide rest of the structure I arrived to if anybody is interested.
Posted 2012-February-07, 19:43
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-February-07, 20:45
Posted 2012-February-07, 22:01
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2012-February-08, 01:19
As Glen posted. Then relay is used to show 6S-4C/D and range 16-18 or 19+
They always open 1M with that shape (which is kinda interesting as it forces them to game with 15 opposite 8 every time but I guess they declarer well...)
Bocchi - Duboin played that 2♥ is 5S-3+H, 16+; 2S is 5S-4+C 11-15; 2NT is transfer to 5S-4+C and they relay for rest, 3C is 5S-4D or 5S-5D and relay for rest, 3H is 6S-3H, 3S is 6+S without 3H.
The problem here is that it's useful to have 2♥ as the weak bid (you need one 2H or 2S). First it makes the structure almost completely symmetrical with 1H - 1N where 2H has to be used as weak, second it allows you pass 2H with say: x-JT8xxx-AKx-Jxx or even 1-5-4-3.
Ok here is what I have from my reverse engineering effort:
(I will call ranges: 16-18 and 19+ but in practice they often bid as 15-17 and 18+)
1S - 1N
2C - 2D (any 8+)
2H - all weak hands (so 5S-4+C, 11-15hcp)
2S - 19+, 2N R:
3C - 5-4+ majors
3D - 5-3-(1-4)
3H - 5+S-3H (next 3S asks for 6th spade)
3S - 5-2-4-2
3N - 5-2-2-4
2N - max 2 hearts, 3C®:
3D - 5-1-(3-4) 19+
3H - 5+s, one-suited (then 3S asks for 6th spade and I guess opener could cuebid with stronger hand)
3S - 5-1-4-3 16-18
3N - 5-1-3-4 16-18
3C - 5-4majors, 16-18 and 3D relay for shortness
3D = 5-3-(4-1) 16-18
3H = 16-18 5+S-3H
3S = 5-2-4-2 16-18
3N = 5-2-2-4 16-18
As you can see it's tightly packed.
I think all of those bids came up but sometimes there was no alert on vugraph so I might have guessed wrongly what relay really is but from general logic of the system it looks to me that's the structure. 5-4-2-2 bids all came up explained as such as did one suited with/without 3H.
Unfortunately the only 5-5 hands in 16-17 range which came up on vugraph had stiff honor somewhere and they treated it as 5-4-2-2.
So problematic hands are:
5-5 majors 16-18, 19+
6-4 majors 16-18 and 19+
5-5 spades+minor exactly 16-17
I guess first two are in 3C (direct or after 2S) and then maybe somehow responder doesn't relay for shortness if he doesn't want to hear 4 level response ? I have no idea, not enough hands on vugraph

1S - 1N
3S - is 14-16 distributional invite (mosto of the time 7+spades)
1S - 1N
3H is again 14-16 distributional invite but this time with 3H.
That leaves us with the last free sequence:
1S - 1N
3N which I guess is 19-21 exacactly 5-2-3-3 which somehow didn't open 2NT as that's the only non 5-5/6-4 shape not represented in structure above.
Posted 2012-February-08, 02:40
Our complete structure is as follows:
1S - 1NT
2NT: GF with either any 5-5, or 6-4 with a 4-card minor.
3C asks and then:
3D = 5-5 with a minor
3H = 5-5 with hearts
3S = 6-4 with clubs
3NT = 6-4 with diamonds
After 1S - 1NT - 2C - 2D we play:
2H = 4 clubs, less than 16 HCP.
2S = 16+, either exactly 3 hearts or 6-4 in the majors
2NT = as a direct 2NT but weaker (16-17), same follow ups
3C = 5-4 majors, 16+. 3D asks about shape.
3D = 5-4 with a 4-card minor, fewer than 3 hearts. 3H asks for the minor
3H = 6133
3S = 62(32)
3NT = 5233
After 1S - 1NT - 2C - 2D - 2S (3 hearts) 2NT asks further:
3C = 6-4 in the majors, 3D asks and then 3H shows a minimum (16-17) and higher steps show a maximum with shape.
3D = A 4-card minor (and 3 hearts), 3H asks for minor.
3H = 63(31)
3S = 6322
3NT = 53(32)
As you can see, there is a lot of symmetry between direct and delayed responses. Another advantage of using 2H for the weak hands is that the structure is exactly identical to the 1H - 1NT structure, where 2H obviously also shows the weak hands.
Obviously we cannot show everything. We have chosen to only distinguish between 16-17 and super strong hands when we hold 6-4 or 5-5 shape, as we think that these hands have the most slam potential.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-February-08, 08:57
Depending on your skills with Italian and/or google translate:
The Jacobs played a lot with the Italians a few years back, and Stacy was kind enough to post notes here:
In other system news, Bramley-Stansby will be Meckwell lite, which just has Justin left to convince Hamman (or use Schenken Lite?, and "random update" here:, and maybe Martel/Zia could use Kokish/Nagy weak NT big club system?
Posted 2012-February-08, 14:39
glen, on 2012-February-08, 08:57, said:
Well... "not perfect" is more polite than I would have put it but yeah...

Darn, I was hoping for Bramley to continue championing the T-Walsh cause.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-February-08, 17:29
"We played against LV and they told us what they do with 5-5"

I have some more questions regarding their system (which is truly awesome). C'mon guys

I kinda like Han's structure but I think I like LV's more (even if I improvise some relay breaking to deal with 5-5majors hands) because showing those stiffs is really useful in solving 4M/3N/5m dillema.
Funny that every link has different version of that, here is one more:
but I want to know what "the pros" play !
It really looks like precision is gaining momentum.
2 out of 3 pairs in BB winning Netherlands squad, more and more US pairs. Soon it will be only Italian pairs defending 11-22 openings at the highest level and just when I started to like them...
Posted 2012-February-09, 07:14
I do think that all of these artificial schemes are much better than "natural". In fact, if you are going to play "natural", I think you may be better off not playing Gazilli.
My teammates this week missed a laydown slam when their auction started
1H - 1NT
2C (Gazilli)- 2D (8+)
3C showed 16+ points and at least 5-4, and apart from being in a GF auction there were no further agreements.
Look at how far behind you are compared to the standard auction that occured at some other table:
1H - 1NT
2C - 2S (maximal hand with club support)
Now opener (who had quite a nice 5-5) had enough to drive to 6C.
This strengthened my belief that if you are not willing to put in some effort you are probably better off not playing such conventions.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-February-09, 07:58
It seems that Gazilli can shows the shape and strength of the opener effectively but tells nth on the responder.
So what should be the later auctions after telling all the shape and strength? Cue-bidding seems not so effective as only one side is conveying information. Does it need some relays for controls/high cards just like some relay systems?
any relevant examples from the world championship players?

Thank you

Posted 2012-February-09, 09:00
Board 17, Swedes use a jump to show exactly 6-2-3-2:
Board 8, Garner-Weinstein break relays to show long suit:
Board 109, Garner-Weinstein break relays to show natural:
Posted 2012-February-09, 09:09
LV's 2♠ shows a four card minor 16+, 2NT asks, and 3S shows exactly 2-5-4-2
Posted 2012-February-09, 09:19
2♣=natural 13/14-17 or 17/18+, 2♦=6-9, 2♠=3 or 4 ♠s, 2NT=asks, 3♠=4♠s
Posted 2012-February-09, 09:28
Now 2H is artificial and shows 17+HCP and any 4card side suit (or 4C 15-16). 2S ask about the suit.
2S is min balanced or 5S4C 11-14
2NT is 18-19 NT (we open 1N with a 5card major)
3x shows 5-5 and 17+
Works very well for me.
Posted 2012-February-09, 09:33
Heh, I am happy this is what my reversed engineered structure above shows

One more thing I've noticed that while they play:
1M - 1S/1N
3C as strong, they raise with weak hands for example:
1S - 1N
3D - 4D with 95 A7532 985 T87 in recent Spingold semifinal which make me wonder if it's possible to play jumps as 16+ having weak respondes 3S/4D and show GF by 3rd suit or 3NT. I think that might be unplayable though because of skipping 3nt with weakish hand opposite monster.
Posted 2012-February-10, 18:34
1S 1N
2C 2D
3C 3D
4C with 5-5 majors
So it looks like only hands with could handle 5-5's and 6-4 should bid 3D. That leaves us with 3 ways to break the relay:
3H, 3S, 3N
3N is obvious, just stoppers in minors and leave me here please.
3H and 3S... I think there are two reasonable ways. One is to show a minor which we don't want to play opposite shortness (3H = clubs 3S = diamonds) or 2nd is to to bid 3S if we want to be in spade game opposite 6th spade and 3H as 4 hearts and strong.
I think 2nd way must be better as 3H bid, especially opposite 19+ could be very helpful.
Fortunately no matter what we choose here we are miles ahead of standard in every case but with those 5-5/6-4 hands we are behind Han's structure.
Posted 2012-February-11, 01:21