whereagles, on 2015-January-13, 12:01, said:
michael, let me put it like this: I gave like 2 hours of my time (which is very scarce) to give people some problems I thought were interesting and respective solutions. I don't want to bother with discussing the merit of the problems nor ridiculous details like in which forum they "should" belong. Nor will I bother to discuss my would-be "expert status". I have better things to do.
I'll keep posting problem as long as I feel motivated to do it. If people constantly annoy me because of stuff like the above, I'll eventually lose interest in posting problems and we'll have even LESS posts around this place. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I really feel a lot of ingratitude around here.
don't misunderstand me: I hope you continue to post problems but there is a reason we have different sub-forums. It is not an admission that you are a non-expert to post problems in the other sub-forums....the point isn't about how good a player the poster is, but about the level of difficulty of the problem.
This problem, and the problem about whether and what to bid after rho opened 2H, when holding, iirc, a balanced 12 count with Axxx in spades and KJ tight in hearts simply aren't expert problems. They aren't even, imo, advanced problems. Maybe intermediate, maybe even simpler than that.
Your contributions are important, no matter how critical I often sound. But posting everything in the expert forum isn't going to help the non-expert as much as the problems should, and is going to irritate the experts who are hoping to find problems into which they can sink their teeth, and maybe learn as well as opine. You have posted some problems in the past that I thought to be excellent, and I said so. I hope you do more of those...and a problem that is trivial and annoying in the expert forum could be very educational and interesting in the I/A or B/N.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari