Another "overcall or not" problem
Posted 2015-January-17, 03:18
V vs NV you hold:
♠ 105
♥ K7643
♦ AK7
♣ 752
Pard RHO you
pass 1♣ ...??
Posted 2015-January-17, 03:26
Posted 2015-January-17, 04:59
There is a good chance we belong in 2♥ or 3♥, and bidding 1♥ is the way to find out.
Posted 2015-January-17, 05:17
Posted 2015-January-17, 07:39
Posted 2015-January-17, 09:24
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-January-17, 09:28
- We don't particularly want a H lead against their contract
- we're at the risk of being done for pens
- P might expect more at this vulnerability
where am I going wrong in my thinking
Posted 2015-January-17, 09:32
Posted 2015-January-17, 10:13
eagles123, on 2015-January-17, 09:28, said:
- We don't particularly want a H lead against their contract
- we're at the risk of being done for pens
- P might expect more at this vulnerability
where am I going wrong in my thinking
- Actually we do want a heart lead against many potential enemy contracts, especially 1NT.
- There are times to worry about getting doubled for penalties at the 1 level ... they are exceedingly rare and this is not one of them.
- Partner might need to adjust his expectations.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-January-17, 11:17
eagles123, on 2015-January-17, 09:28, said:
- We don't particularly want a H lead against their contract
- we're at the risk of being done for pens
- P might expect more at this vulnerability
- a heart lead is strongly preferred to a low spade, has positive potential with a little help from pard and is often at worst neutral when the king was always onside
- very slight chance. Selling out quietly to the partscore of the opponents choice is asking for a long string of -110 results and -1100 can be the same zero as -110
- might be a learning curve but the ability of your partner to put them under pressure and bump them up to something you can defeat is a balancing act that pays big dividends
I found the Mike Lawrence book on Overcalls to be very good and if the opponent had opened 1♠ on your actual hand I would pass and then be faced with what to do after 1nt or 2♠ passed back to me. Lawrence also has a good book on Balancing, when/why and how to pressure the opponents while minimizing (not eliminating) the risk. The two go hand in glove for matchpoint strategy.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-January-17, 11:20
Posted 2015-January-17, 11:49
Just know I wouldn't like to see
pass - 1♦ - pass - 1♠
pass - 2♠
Jinksy, on 2015-January-17, 11:20, said:
Passed hands should stop punishing pd for being aggressive. To go to the 3 level pd should hold 4 card support and a singleton.
Posted 2015-January-17, 12:11
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2015-January-17, 15:38
Posted 2015-January-17, 16:13
Posted 2015-January-17, 17:42
Posted 2015-January-17, 18:24
akwoo, on 2015-January-17, 16:13, said:
I agree with this. A passer is not a partner I would eve rcontemplate playing with. Perhaps the passers have never heard of cue raises?
Posted 2015-January-18, 01:13
cherdano, on 2015-January-17, 04:59, said:
There is a good chance we belong in 2♥ or 3♥, and bidding 1♥ is the way to find out.
Recently we won the Kakinada Tournament because I declined to overcall an almost Identical hand (A8xxx H, 10 HCP). Opps played in 3NT for 430. At the other table, bidding went 1C-1H-Dbl-all pass for 1100
Posted 2015-January-18, 02:20