What lead do you choose? Is it just a guess?
Posted 2015-February-24, 01:03
Posted 2015-February-24, 02:50

"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2015-February-24, 07:19
Posted 2015-February-24, 07:53
Posted 2015-February-24, 12:23
It seems to me like any lead has a decent chance of chucking a key trick at the opps, and a spade also has the chance of guiding them towards picking up this suit rather than playing on another one that's not breaking so well. Meanwhile, if my top club was the T, I'd consider this a WTP, and with 5 cards in the suit, it feels relatively unlikely to give them a fourth trick in it.
Posted 2015-February-24, 13:53
Low heart
This rather unpopular choice is based on the probably unscientific principle that the odds are at worst 7-3 against lho holding the heart T. If p has no heart honor then the suit easily comes home anyway. If we survive the opening lead our heart lead might do much to alleviate some of the pain partner might otherwise feel since they hold at least 3 hearts (hopefully to an honor) and a (hopefully) dia stop and maybe a spade stop since we transfer the heart threat to our hand (that has pretty much nothing else useful to do). There is also the chance (not large) that lho has a singleton heart honor that p can cover and we hit the jackpot immediately. There is also the small chance p has a heart sequence and the heart lead is a killer from the get go. It is difficult for any other lead to lay claim to the many potential advantages of a heart lead with such minimal risk. Oh, did I mention that a low heart lead might discourage declarer from playing hearts when the suit divides favorably for them?
Posted 2015-February-24, 15:54
Jinksy, on 2015-February-24, 12:23, said:
It seems to me like any lead has a decent chance of chucking a key trick at the opps, and a spade also has the chance of guiding them towards picking up this suit rather than playing on another one that's not breaking so well. Meanwhile, if my top club was the T, I'd consider this a WTP, and with 5 cards in the suit, it feels relatively unlikely to give them a fourth trick in it.
Leads from jacks just seem to frequently fail. On this strong auction, ops will hold ♣AKQT between them fairly often. Particularly when opener jumps to 3NT with the 4th suit unbid, I expect a solid holding there. So I will give away a trick frequently, but almost never establish one. Really I am just trying to be as passive as possible and hope declarer runs out steam. Yeah, a spade could give away a trick too, but this seems less likely. It's not a huge difference but is enough to convince me.
Posted 2015-February-24, 16:12
billw55, on 2015-February-24, 15:54, said:
So you don't think AKx/Qx(x) or similar is likely in the club suit where you can't give anything away ?
Posted 2015-February-25, 06:56
Posted 2015-February-25, 07:05
Posted 2015-February-25, 07:45
Cyberyeti, on 2015-February-24, 16:12, said:
Sure, it could happen. Nothing is guaranteed. Game of percentages, I think spades is safer more often, but I still expect to be wrong 30-40% of the time.
Posted 2015-February-25, 09:23
Posted 2015-February-25, 15:01
Posted 2015-February-25, 15:03
Posted 2015-February-25, 16:05
daffydoc, on 2015-February-25, 15:03, said:
Heart isn't bad, I'm with DD on this. My theory is that it isn't likely to give up a trick unless dummy has 3 hearts to an honor, which seems unlikely. Only harm I can think of is like partner with 10xxx, which would bite and is possible. But any lead could give up the 12th trick here.
Posted 2015-February-25, 19:09
One thing's certain, I'm not leading low from 1074.
Posted 2015-February-25, 23:48
The problem with a sim is that it's very difficult to describe the range of strengths and distributions on which opener might make that raise to 6NT. It includes a bunch of flat 19s, shapely 17s, and the occasional 4-6 or 4-7 hand where the diamonds might peel.
Posted 2015-February-26, 00:51
daffydoc, on 2015-February-25, 15:01, said:
Patience! I wanted to give time for comments.
billw55, on 2015-February-24, 07:19, said:
My thought process exactly, and I did lead the ♠7, but the ♣ leaders did much better.
Posted 2015-February-26, 01:04