Posted 2017-July-29, 00:41
Funny hand! I would think the situation where you're trying to shorten yourself to avoid being endplayed in trumps is not that unusual; a bit surprising Brogeland didn't see it. Then again he has been playing four-handed in one of the world's toughest events for quite some time now (as has his opponent).
One observation here is that South does not know who has the diamond queen. The contract is "cold" for him double-dummy, but really it's on a guess that he's hoping Brogeland will take for him. Taking a losing diamond finesse into Lindqvist's hand would lead to down a lot. On the other side, Brogeland may be trying to avoid giving away the diamond queen location (which again, South doesn't know).
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit