However, the popularity of these tourneys is becoming increasingly obvious. So why not develop a stratigy that beats these things at their own game.
Firstly let me remind everyone that you are not playing against robots at all, but against all the other humans in your seat, so you have 3 opponants, the human players, East/West and your partner.
As in all forms of bridge, Stratigy at matchpoints will differ vastly from that in imps.
A few match-point tips.
Look at this hand in 4th seat. Spades are weak opp a passed hand. Game looks unlikely in any suit. Even if pd turns up with 11 hcp and 5 spades without an openner you will probably go down in 4 spades anyway, so making game here is a very small chance, and bridge is a game of percentages. Now with the spade suit as valueless as that, why not open 1 club as if spades were a 4 carder.
So Gib responds 1NT and you play the easiest 100% of the day with the overtrick, 77 played this hand most of them going down in 2S.