virgosrock, on 2017-October-26, 09:59, said:
1. On Vugraph International level experienced commentators said if responder has only an Ace MUST respond to 1suit-pass-? Can't pass. They went on to give several examples. Maybe the same applies when 1suit-x-? must respond with an ace. Further this is the only chance to show 4+ spades.
These are really very, very different situations. The commentators are probably talking about with an ace and a 5 cd major, always respond to 1 of a minor rather than passing. Basically this is because you often improve the contract vs maybe playing some 4-2 or 3-3 or 4-1 fit if it gets passed out, majors score better and impede the opponents, and good things can happen when you find 9 cd fits, like making thin major suit games if partner has a fit and a really huge hand. Also good players have outs, like being able to sign off in 3M when partner rebids 2nt.
Holding only a FOUR card major, the upside is considerably less, especially after a takeout double. Only 8 cd fit possible and not even particularly likely, on this auction. On average you'll take fewer tricks than if you find 9 cd fit. Partner less likely to have 4 spade since 1h opening showing 5, only Flannery distributions. Chances further reduced by the doubler having announced spade length by doubling. If you do find a fit, spades will break 4-1 way more often than normal because of the double. Hearts are less likely to split if you need them as source of tricks. Minor finesses will tend to be offside. Partner much less likely to have a huge hand and game possible when your RHO has enough points to double.
If you don't find a spade fit and partner has his average balanced 12/13 count or whatever here you are declaring a vul 1nt with less than half the deck which is usually bad. Or your partner ends up declaring 2H going down when if you had passed the opps might have ended up in spades or clubs going down. If they end up in diamonds sometimes partner has 4 diamonds, they don't have fit there either.
So basically the chances you win big by bidding are considerably lessened and the chances of getting your side in trouble by bidding have gone way up.
2. whatever be the points or hcp it should be a highly invitational hand.
3. one doubleton and an ace
who knows. depends on how you feel at that time.
If this was all partner needed for game, IMO he has a 2c opener or at least a GF jump shift response after 1S, not merely an invite. He's not expecting 1S to be a sub-min stretch response for the reasons explained above.
4. west is showing good hand with clubs and diamonds. good club suit, diamonds on the side and a stiff heart.
Yes, but west should be showing a very very good hand, because he is potentially forcing to the 4 level, not merely having an extra Q over a min takeout double. He already showed a good hand the first time. His partner rates to be broke if the opps have their bids. Should have like another K maybe.
If North had passed as should have, then E/W could have found themselves in 4
♦ doubled down 2, vs. only a partial the other way. This is why West is supposed to have more to double a second time.