Launch google chrome
go to
click "play bridge now"
click "log in"
select practice
select bidding table
all options off except permission required to play and invisible
opponents bidding controlled by host
click "start table"
select account tab on far right
select "deal archive"
click "+" sign to create new folder
click pencil symbol to rename "untitled" to "testing overcalls"
select "testing overcalls"
"select deal" appears middle of window
click "import lin file"
new window appears
click "Choose file"
select "overcallsmixyellow13.lin"
click "open"
"overcallsmixyellow13.lin" appears in source file field in Import Lin file window
Click import
New field appears with yellow background: Source file(OvercallMixyellow13.lin)-> 12 games were successfully uploaded into folder:Testing overcalls for username:cailel
Select "x" to close window
No new deals appear in the folder "testing overcalls"
I have also tried importing a lin file with the deal archive folder selected without being at a table. No luck there either.
Edit: If I reload the bridgebase website after uploading then the deals appear. So it's a matter of not displaying before reload.
This post has been edited by Cailel: 2020-March-15, 17:19