What causes that error message in general?
Dealer script:
# 1NT vs 1M opening comparison
nt1517= hcp(north)>=15 and hcp(north)<=17
invite= hcp(south)>=8 and hcp(south)<=9
thingame= hcp(south)>=10 and hcp(south)<=10
safegame= hcp(south)>=11 and hcp(south)<=12
resp5332= shape(south, any 5332)
s5 = spades(north)==5 and shape(north, any 5332)
produce 20
action average "Avg. tricks if N plays in spades" (tricks(north,spades)), average "Avg. tricks if N plays in notrump" (tricks(north,notrump))
condition nt1517 and s5 and invite and resp5332