I have a real problem with this site and the controls give to the table host that falls in order of when that individual posted to the table.
I also have a problem with the foolish individuals that don't really understand the bidding condition. If I bid 1NT then I would suggest that the
partner bid his or her best suit that has at least 5 cards in it. If the partner has point cards in his or her best suit, then that is even better.
I have a real problem with this site and the arrogant that suggest all their wonderful understanding of a numbers game. Wow you are so bright.
Intuition is a part of any problem solving condition as well as percentages. Any of you engineers or mathematicians. How easy is bridge for real? Not
that hard to understand at all. For those with such high IQ's a proud of such a measure, the measure of you're cognitive abilities is not measured well
With such a crude instrument as an IQ test and the fact that some practice and then take it. Bridge is a numbers game and that is that you track the
cards played. You bid with a logical and intuitive thought process. You arrogant attitudes cannot gain the you're mind intuitive thought. If you don't
have it, you are not gaining it with some suggested competency at bridge. STOP putting people off your tables and for those that bid to damage your
partner because you want the hand, well you are problematic in this game and in life to all around you. to the arrogant that suggest their superior selves, all you do is damage everyone around you to you're incapable level.
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being removed from table without reason. Bidding to damage your partner
Posted 2021-April-26, 07:02
I suspect, from the tone of this post, that you are in fact getting booted for very good reason.
Posted 2021-April-26, 07:57
The two hands in a row shortly before the original post might provide insight as well.
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