mikeh, on 2021-September-27, 14:11, said:
As for ducking the club, if they switch to a heart, I win in dummy and advance the diamond Jack. Now, if Dealer opened on, say, xx KJxx Ax KJ107, I’m going down in a cold contract.
Ah, yes, that's a good point.
While this will probably put you off this thread entirely, the robots lead a spade with the 1NT auction. +2 was 98%, +1 66%, = 24%. I'm not sure how to calculate whether the second line is worth the risk, but I think given those odds, it might well have been.
AL78, on 2021-September-27, 15:41, said:
There is one MP situation where I am never sure whether it is worth taking a risk with the cost being going down if it fails. Say you are in 3NT that it looks like everyone will be in (e.g. a 1NT - 3NT auction), the defence attack your weakest suit and knock out your only stop (and you can't hold up enough to exhaust one of them of that suit). You have an easy nine tricks and a finesse which will give you a tenth trick if it works, or the defence will cash their suit and get you down if it fails. Assuming you have nothing in the play to hint where the honor card is, do you take the finesse?
Often I find that if you cash all of your other tricks first, the defenders end up having to discard in a such a way that you can afford to gamble the finesse at the very end, as they'll then give you your last trick back if it loses.