Posted 2023-November-26, 21:45
1. In an expert field, the more likely contract is 6NT played by North. This, a priori, is a >50% contract + on a heart opening lead it is 100%
So playing 6S in an expert field, I think playing the ♥Q from dummy is best. If the Queen holds, one can play a squeeze line for the overtrick.
2. In any other field, I would be content with scoring the slam & not worry about the overtrick. Yes, a fair % of tables will declare in 6NT but then again a fair % will be in a 3NT/4S/6S. I don't know which of the various options is best but I would duck the first trick and then play on a squeeze line.
3. It makes no difference if one were facing honest count giving LOLs/LOGs. I think I would play the same way.
My Squeeze line:
Duck opening lead, win the (assumed) Heart continuation, draw trumps, top clubs then club ruff, cash final trump (if still with declarer).
The final trump is the 9th trick of the hand.
* If West began with 4+ cards in both minors, he will have to discard a diamond on this final trump. I throw dummy's club.
* If West began with King of Hearts & 4+ diamonds, he will have to discard a diamond to retain the HK.
* If East began with 4+ cards in both minors, we hope that he has the HK as well (triple squeeze)
* If nothing works so far, then maybe diamonds are 3-3 or the DJ is doubleton.