Based on the original bidding, I was going to post that a low diamond to the J looked tempting, since it immediately gives us an entry to dummy along with setting up diamond tricks. However, you then go down if South has the
♣K, and if clubs are 3-1 the finesse didn't really achieve much and you're also going down if South has the
So I agree with P_Marlowe about playing club Ace and another, which fails if South has the
♦K, but works otherwise (unless North has Kxxx-KJx in the minors in which case you only have 8 tricks, though I'm not sure if South would bid 2
♠ with either QJxxxx-xxxx-xx-x or QJxxxx-Axxx-xx-x).
But I'm baffled by the new bidding. The only time I've considered opening a weak 2 then freely bid another suit was with 6-5 shape (though Michaels was an option here). If South has QJxxxx-Qxxxx-x-x then double dummy tells me the only hope is playing a low minor at trick 2 (doesn't matter which), then dropping the
♥K under North's A to generate another entry to dummy. If that's the play, I suspect this post is in the wrong forum

If South has this shape without the queen, then hearts are blocked so we're no longer in danger following your existing line, just play another club.