pescetom, on 2025-January-19, 07:32, said:
As stated in terms of Captaincy by mike777, North "Can't" make a slam try.
But my argument is differently nuanced because we bid the spades in transfer here as INV+. I don't have strong opinions about what the natural 3♠ and 4♠ in the auction should be and how a control-bid would fit in that context.
Several years ago, there was a well known old timer who played on BBO that used to espouse the Captain-Crew dynamic, most of which was complete nonsense. So, how is the "Captain" with a really good hand supposed to know that his "Crew" was just following orders when they bid 4
♣ with a hand that was not suitable for cooperating with a slam exploration as opposed to a hand that was actually really good?
pescetom, on 2025-January-19, 07:32, said:
But the fact that your 1NT already limited your hand in terms of strength and (to some extent) distribution is the point: now making a control bid is not a slam try (we can hardly have more than game opposite a minimum invite) but simply the most rational and constructive system choice to respond positively (bear in mind that we could have simply completed the transfer to show a negative). Now partner can make an informed decision and continue the control bid sequence if he has slam interest. In this case, as often, the cards already decided for him as he has no red suit control to bid and we will stop safely in 4♠, knowing that neither of us controls diamonds.
There is no transfer, just a natural 3
♠ response so much of your argument is irrelevant. Second, with the actual South hand, why is South even daydreaming about slam, let alone making a unilateral decision to bid slam.
pescetom, on 2025-January-19, 07:32, said:
Another situation in which one can usefully play the same way is in responding to a trial bid after having made a simple raise of a major. Using a control-bid (and in this case also 3NT non-serious to express doubt about trump quality) as the positive response enables Opener to explore game/slam without Responder nuking an entire round of control-bidding by jumping to game.
The huge difference in this auction is that there is no serious/non serious 3NT available, since no fit has been found yet, and 3NT is to play. As far as "cue bidding" after a 1M-2M followed by a game try situation, that's mostly going to help the opponents with information leakage when you are only looking for game which is almost all of the time.