Posted 2012-October-15, 12:52
I think most players would open the East hand quite happily, knowing that East can give a very good description by bidding 1♣ and, almost certainly, rebidding 1♠ and then 2♠ to show 5=6 blacks (in standard methods). The hand is far more powerful than its point has a Losing Trick Count of only 5! And it has 3 controls (A=2, K=1) and controls are undervalued by the 4321 count. Add to that that the honours are combined, and that there are good spots in spades and easy rebids, and opening becomes clear.
Responder will drive to game, but will devalue the hand, for slam purposes, once opener shows his shape. I'd expect responder to eventually opt for a 4♥ call, willing to play there opposite a void if need be.
As it is, I think opener should at some point reveal his extra playing strength...I don't have any problem with the 2♥ rebid, given that partner's 1♠ didn't exactly hit our values, but once responder shows some strength via 3♣, opener should bid 4♥.
3♣ was definitely NOT gf.....there is no way that responder can 'force' to game having passed, but it should be a 1 round force in my opinion...with a lesser hand, he just sucks it up and passes 2♥ rather than flailing around to try to improve the contract.
Note that E could have and should have bid 2♣ if they are not playing drury....he'd bid 2♣ then 2♠ and show something of his shape while keeping the bidding a little lower. However, most good pairs play some varinat of drury and so I would expect the vast majority to choose 1♠ had they found themselves passing as dealer
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari