2/1 , 2♣ gf with clubs.
And another 3136
Posted 2021-August-09, 02:10
2/1 , 2♣ gf with clubs.
Posted 2021-August-09, 02:29
I'd probably start with 3♦ or 3♥ (we don't tend to limit our splinters) in your auction. Not sure whether I'd have started with a SJS 3♣ if I played more standard SJSs than I do.
Posted 2021-August-09, 02:58
Posted 2021-August-09, 03:11
mw64ahw, on 2021-August-09, 02:58, said:
You're not very well placed to know which of 6♦/6N you want to be in yet, can you distinguish between QJxx, Axx, AQxxx, x where 6N won't make on a heart lead but 6♦ is cold if they break (and 6♣ is even better) and other hands where 6N is cold, also you don't know whether it's your ♠Kxx or partner's hypothetical ♥AQx or Kxx that needs protecting.
Posted 2021-August-09, 03:48
As an aside, in my weak (12-14) NT partnership we only rebid 2♦ with 6(+) here, and will rebid a 4-card major even without extras. This gives some flexibility in exploring 3NT/5m, because three suits will have been bid naturally already. So far we haven't had any disasters. Depending on the South hand this might be very helpful.
Posted 2021-August-09, 04:02
Cyberyeti, on 2021-August-09, 03:11, said:
You're correct-I'm expecting to be in 6♦, but if partner can bid beyond 5♥ immediately then I look to convert to 6NT
Posted 2021-August-09, 08:31
There are two considerations: from which side to play it and who knows about the slam potential?
It is difficult to get partner on board with minimum values and to understand there are 6 club tricks available . I am going to start with 3D as supporting a minor suit should by itself hint at slam aspirations. I dont like splinter because partner will not understand that xx, AQJ, AQxxxx, xx is golden for 6 clubs.
I also think there is a good argument for bidding 3C and then supporting diamonds .
Either way it is important to uncover what type hand partner holds. Qx, AQJ, QJxxxx, xx is consistent with the bidding.
Posted 2021-August-09, 10:10
Winstonm, on 2021-August-09, 08:31, said:
agree. supporting ♦ could lead to a 6♦ contract when 6NT from your side would be preferable. the ♦ support can wait. it is important to find out if partner has a 6 card ♦ suit or a 4 card major here. you should be in charge of the auction after partners 2♦. I think the worst can happen is that you arrive in 5♦ when 3NT makes with overtricks if playing match points.
Posted 2021-August-09, 10:59
LBengtsson, on 2021-August-09, 10:10, said:
Agreeing diamonds may allow you to find ♦Q when it's more difficult if you don't.
Posted 2021-August-09, 11:17
If you raise ♦, (my choice) partner makes a cooperative 3♥ bid, values, could be 4 hearts, 5+ diamonds.
Winstonm, on 2021-August-09, 08:31, said:
Right! Here I am with SIX tricks in my hand, a King in partners suit, shortness and the ♠K which could come in handy too. I'm going to be the one driving this auction.
Posted 2021-August-09, 12:06
jillybean, on 2021-August-09, 11:17, said:
If you raise ♦, (my choice) partner makes a cooperative 3♥ bid, values, could be 4 hearts, 5+ diamonds.
At this point I will not allow the hand to be played in less than 4NT so I bid 3S. If partner follows with 3N I will continue with 4C. If this spurs a heart cue bid I would then use whatever keycard convention is available.
Posted 2021-August-09, 21:31
Half the field got caught in 3nt while others played in ♦s.
Posted 2021-August-09, 21:42
jillybean, on 2021-August-09, 21:31, said:
Half the field got caught in 3nt while others played in ♦s.
Note that the worthless doubletons scream that for slam purposes partner should declare.
Posted 2021-August-09, 21:47
Winstonm, on 2021-August-09, 21:42, said:
Yes, protecting the ♠K
Posted 2021-August-10, 02:44
Gilithin, on 2021-August-09, 21:54, said:
The problem in many systems is with a 4441 in your 1N opening range as a 2N rebid shows a different strength, I see no alternative to 1♦-2♣-2♦ with a 13 count playing weak NT without 2/1 GF unless you're prepared to open 1♥ and admit to a 5th heart you don't have by rebidding 2♦.
I'm not sure exactly what the 2N rebid shows in 2/1 and whether you can disentangle the range if it matches what you open 1N on.
Posted 2021-August-10, 04:07
Posted 2021-August-10, 04:25
Gilithin, on 2021-August-09, 21:54, said:
Posted 2021-August-10, 07:12
Gilithin, on 2021-August-09, 21:54, said:
Justin Lall convinced me that it is ok to rebid nt with a singleton. The only opening scheme I ever used was the 2D opening in Sontag/Weichsel version of Precision.
I personally think it a mistake to create alterations to your basic bidding structure to handle low frequency hands. This fits with my thinking that 2/1 is built for game/slam bidding so you accept that part score bidding will not be as accurate . 1nt forcing is integral to 2/1 so to change it to semi-forcing alters the entire structure of other bids. I think this is a mistake . If you want to be able to bid non-forcing 1nt, dont play 2/1.
JillyBean 'Here's the full hand and auction,
Half the field got caught in 3nt while others played in ♦s.
As the cards lie, 3N works better than 6♦; but luckier views (as suggested by other commentators) get you to the excellent 6♣ or 6N.